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Why are you so interested in mass shootings?
Why are you remaking Romans of the Decadence?
What is your artistic approach to presenting American violence?
Why do you use tear-away stabilizer as your main backing?
Why do you use embroidery thread in your work?
Why do you juxtapose these images of immigrants and mass shootings in your work?
Why do you choose to work in such tragic and sad subject matter?
What do you think the purpose of art is?
How does class, specifically class struggle, play a role in your work?
Why are you answering all these questions?
Is your art political? Should art be political? Is it activist?
You source you images online from the news, why is that? Why don't you photograph your own images?
Your work is hard to sell. The subject matter is really grim. Do you worry about that?
What is your worldview politically speaking?
You talk about “rejecting the ubiquitous screen”. What does that mean?
What is your commentary on news media and news cycles? Do you have one?
Talk to me about the backgrounds in your work?
Are you exploiting the people in your images through the use of these images?
Why not stretched canvas? Why the tearing and sewing and dangling threads and all the messiness?
Is your work more conceptual or figurative-traditional or something else all together?
Are you a figure painter or a craft multi-media artist? How do you label yourself?
Are you a realist painter?
Do you consider yourself a Latine/x artist? What does that mean to you?
What artists, artworks, books or anything else has influenced your work?
You have a big gap in your art CV from about 2008 to 2018, why is that?
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